Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Blog: Planning

 Cams: Eye level shot of competitors to show how competitive the runners are, Wide shot of runners towards camera to show runners, pan of runners/interviewer to show the how fast the shoes make the runner, zoom in on Nike shoes to show how nice the shoes look.

Sound: Voiceover at the start, middle, and end of the race, soundtrack to energize the scene, and SFX used to create fire sound effects for the trail and the wind blowing off the runner.


Costume - t-shirt and leggings for interviewing because I will interviewer fast runner with Nike shoes

Competitors (Alex and Jorge) in running clothes to show they are professional runners

Lighting - Sunny day for good light of the track

Action/Actors - Hadar - interviewer//Alex and Jorge- runners//Rashawn - Commentator

Makeup/hair -Hadar- hair down, with glasses, no makeup// Alex-normal hair no makeup// Jorge- hair up in bun, no glasses, no makeup// Rashawn- cannot be seen in video

Props - fan to make interviewers hair ripple in the wind, Nike air zoom Pegasus 38 shoes as our product, microphone for interviewer so the ad is more realistic

Setting - track field, if being used then the bus loop will be used

Editing: VFX(fire effect on the shoes while Jorge is running), Cross Cutting between different action shots, Split Screen between shots of competitors, Fade in at the end (screen turns black and the Nike logo appears on screen), and Motion blur ( used on Jorge's feet while he is running to make it look fast)

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The Final Task Film

 I loved working on this project! Here is the final product below! It might not load up immediately.